Planting a tree is not for the faint of heart. I mean, we spend time thinking about planting the tree, hiring a professional to plant the tree, materials to install it, and even maintenance of the tree to produce healthy growth. We spend time and investment to enjoy the tree and to gain valuable benefits. Trees clean the air so we can breathe more easily, provide needed shade in our southern climate and eat the greenhouse gases that cause climate change.
As a homeowner, you’re likely consulting with various sources from website searches or trusting the professional you’ve hired to gain the best advice. In order to select the right tree for the right space, consider these simple facts.
Trees need sufficient soil porosity, space to grow, soil with the correct pH, proper drainage, and adequate moisture level to thrive. They also need a blend of macro/micronutrients. The most crucial factor in the list above is soil porosity in an urban system and space to grow. A large crown in a small area can create a significant issue, just as a deciduous tree that sheds all its foliage in the fall in a swimming pool creates all types of frustration for many homeowners. Too often, the wrong tree is planted in the wrong space due to misinformation, lack of information or simply an unwillingness to hear the truth…this tree will not work well here. Each plant has a unique set of conditions where it will thrive. Often, some homeowners I encounter appear to settle for surviving instead of thriving. Consider this, the wrong tree planted in the wrong space will require significantly more effort and costly maintenance, robbing you of some of the tree’s most effective benefits–carefree landscapes.
If you’re considering planting a tree in your yard, consult with an expert. Scott will listen to your objectives, evaluate the space, and discuss options for the best tree planting for your site.